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ABWW Hater of the Day: Steve Harvey

steveharvey-sorrysign-1Long before Steve Harvey gained mainstream fame I was not feeling his brand of humor. I thought he was the least talented of the Kings of Comedy and was constantly distracted by high top fade toupee. I thought his sit com was bland remix of every school sit com from Welcome Back Cotter to Saved by the Bell to Hanging with Mr. Cooper. I tried to give it a chance but I began seeing the disturbing mysogynoir patterns in the Steve Harvey Show. While sweet, but dim witted Lovita easily settled into a traditional romance and wedded bliss with Cedric, Steve Hightower chaffed at being supervised by and in love with an obviously more qualified Regina Greer. The time honored trope of “will they, won’t they” is marred by what would become Harvey’s signature black woman hating schtick on stage. Calling the gorgeous and svelte Wendy Raquel Robinson “piggy” changes from affectionate adolescent snapping to ugly mysognoir power plays if one is paying attention to the growth of Harvey’s comedy career.

Black men have created a cottage industry of books about why black women’s marital rates have plummeted. Mainstream media jumped on this trend for a while too. They made a pretty penny with this twaddle by conflating sexist black religiosity, pseudo Africana mythology (also know as Ashy Hotepology) with that special brand of respectability politics born out of a need control black women with a Jim Crow level of ferocity. No of these “writers” examined why black men are marrying less on whole but those who do are out marrying more. Harvey is the king of this movement.  Even though his book was simply another ashy tome, it went mainstream and his deeply ignorant view of black women mutated into Dear Abby style advice for everyone color and crees. This twice divorced, thrice married adulterer was suddenly an expert on relationships!!!

On smart women:

Well, I mean, you know if a guy is out for one thing, it’s best to go for shallow, unintelligent women. You don’t want to break this news to really bright women. “Hey, I just want to do something to you this evening”…You want to find somebody shallow, really simple unintelligent, that you can run this by and they’ll sit there and go, “Wow, that sounds great.

Men cheat because women are hotass hos

Women ask that question all the time: Why do men cheat? But it’s really because there are so many women out there willing to cheat with them.

I could go on and on but someone was kind enough to compile  a youtube video of the ignorant sexist, mysogynoir, homophobic, religious intolerance swill that has seeped from the open sewer that is Harvey’s mug. Harvey has ridden this trash train to a syndicated radio show, a daily talk show, two movies, hosting a daily game show and the Miss Universe pageant (insert schedufreude here). Last week, Harvey decided to expand his poison beyond his twisted version of gender and include race. This time he wasn’t just attacking black women he decided to go after Asian men.

Last week, Steve Harvey aired a segment on his his eponymous syndicated talk show about obscure, absurdly specific advice books. These were niche interest titles like Dating for Under a Dollar: 301 Ideas and How to Date a White Woman: A Practical Guide for Asian Men.

The audience laughed at the latter book in anticipation as Harvey took 15 seconds to gather himself. “That’s one page,” he finally gasped. “’Excuse me, do you like Asian men?’ ‘No.’ ‘Thank you.’”

The comedian then offered a sequel, How to Date a Black Woman: A Practical Guide for Asian Men — “Same thing. ‘You like Asian men?’ ‘I don’t even like Chinese food. It don’t stay with you no time. I don’t eat what I can’t pronounce.’” – The Hollywood Reporter

In order for you to appreciate my ire at this clown on this issue, I have let you know about my ancestry I was born in The London Borough of Haringey, UK of Jamaican and Grenadian ancestry. My maternal grandmother was half Indian and half Welsh. My parents also had friends of mixed Asian ancestry and so do I. When I moved to the Bronx, I had no idea about the sociosexual stereotypes that are imposed on Asian Americans and had crushes on many an ethnicity hue including Asian dudes. Since I was the immigrant, I saw my Asian friends as more American that I was. It really wasn’t until I moved to the midwest that I noticed the fetishization of Asian women and the emasculation of Asian men. Although black female and Asian male intermarriage occurs in the Caribbean and South American, it is rare in this country. There have been brief periods of when black women and Asian men married both in the  Jim Crow South and the North before the Chinese Exclusion Act was lifted in 1943.

Harvey’s typical hotep arrogance managed to bring the ugly trope Asian male emasculation together with the oft-promoted fantasies of black male sexual prowess and his own presumptions of the unattractiveness and hypersexuality of black women with his usual mysoginoir flair. Of course black women are too stupid to pronounce a Chinese food menu how could they possibly desire the miniscule charms of Asian men? Harvey knows that all we desire is BBC. Luckily, millennials are not in Harvey’s target demographic and some young black women and Asian men are slowly shrugging off what Harvey and many black & white fuckbois with OK Cupid profiles want them believe and are figuring out inventive ways to meet, hook up and start relationships.

Oooops…. I forgot to mention Harvey met with Orange Shitgibbon on Friday on housing issues. He wants to work with to Sleepy Uncle Ben in some capacity at Department of Housing and Urban Development. Now if that isn’t the Kingfish leading Amos and Andy into another con (Google it, young’ens,) I don’t what is. Here are some pics of sexy, hotass Asian men to momentarily take your mind off the upcoming Orange Apocalypse.



Source: The Disturbing History Behind Steve Harvey’s “Asian Men” Jokes | Hollywood Reporter

ABWW Hater of Day AGAIN: Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson

Only a select few men get to be Hater of the Day twice, but this black woman hating, recently unemployed jock and reality show wash out deserves it.

A few years ago Chad “Ochocinco’ Johnsonson was on top of the world. He was a highly paid wide receiver for the Cincinnati Bengals. In 2010, after fathering four children with black women, he declared that his preference in women was everything but African African American on his reality show, The Ultimate Catch. In an instant he told his daughters they were ugly and unacceptable to their father. Johnson demeaned the mothers , grandmother and aunts of this children. What does that say to his sons? This pig has millions for his wedding, but fought to reduce his child support, resulting in the foreclosure of the home of his own flesh and blood.

Chad got his wish when he recently married Hispanic reality star, Evelyn Lozada. Her antics on Basketball Wives include drink throwing, epic cuss outs and she is not above the occasional heifer fight. Less than six months after their wedding he has been arrested for domestic battery on that delicate flower (I mean candidate for the insane asylum) of his desires. He was dropped from his contract with dropped from his contract with the Miami Dolphins and the proposed reality show about this couple we all know would last was scuttled. So next time a he-man-black-woman-hater spews the same old line bring up this woman-beating, sad-ass.

Read More.

What About Our Daughters – What About Our Daughters – Terrance Howard: Black Women Are Antiquated, White Women Represent Progress:Your Red Tails Open Thread

What About Our Daughters – What About Our Daughters – Terrance Howard: Black Women Are Antiquated, White Women Represent Progress:Your Red Tails Open Thread.

Terrence Howard needs a seat right next to Wesley “yeah, I beat Hallie’s ass” Snipes and Taye “black women want to beat my beautiful white wife” Diggs. These men seem to have a psychopathic need to defame black women & place white women on the highest pedestal on Mt Olympus. I really wish these black women hating black men would simply be happy with the pigment challenged women and keep the phase “black women …” the hell out their mouths.

Fetishizing People of Color: The Downside of Positive Stereotypes » Sociological Images

Fetishizing People of Color: The Downside of Positive Stereotypes » Sociological Images.

Last semester I drove a classmate of mine to pick up his car at an auto repair shop. He started asking me questions about the phenomenon of white women traveling to Jamaica to have erotic encounters with black men. I found this conversation rather odd since he was a married man of South Asian ancestry. I had to explain to him that the men who do this are seen as whores by the rest of the country and are viewed with even less esteem that female prostitutes. He kept going on and on about this issue even though I tried to change the subject. I was very happy to drop him off and stayed away from him for the rest of semester. Fetishism is any object or nongenital part of the body that causes a habitual erotic response or fixation.In this case it seems he was associating my heritage with own erotic fantasies instead of seeing me as a colleague, as an individual. I should have gotten snarky and asked him if any of his thugee ancestors had raped the poor, innocent white female colonists in India, but I didn’t. Sometime it just gets too tiring and all I want to do after talking to him was to take a long, hot bath. Yuck.

Links of the Day

Single Black Women Are Tired of Being a Spectacle
I am sick of this obsession. they never include the historical context of how black women have been sexualized and dehumanized for centuries. Somehow they always end up black black women like in this article. The comments on these [post are always fill with nasty stereotypes about black women and sadly, many of them come from black men.

Mississippi Personhood Law Proposes To Make Abortion, Birth Control, IVF Illegal
One of the poorest states in the notion wants to give the combination of two zygotes more rights than a full grown woman. Where is the law to prohibit masturbation and viagra?

Watch Preview Trailer For Doc “Black Girl In Suburbia”
Black Girl In Suburbia is a feature documentary that looks into the experiences of black girls growing up in predominately white communities. This is a different look into suburbia from the perspective of women of color. This film explores through professional and personal interviews the conflict and issues black girls have relating to both white and black communities.

As a black woman raised in England and Canada and the Bronx, I can strongly relate to the topic of this film.

Moment of Bliss – Sidney Poitier and Harry Belafonte at the March on Washington, 1963

John Mayer is a Dixie Whistling Neo-Racist (Redeux)

I posted this blog entry last April on my previous blog Black is Black is Black Ain’t. One of the commenter’s on this blog mentioned Mayer’s rant in Playboy and I went back to look at what I wrote this fool. I realize that in all this talk about the “normality” of the preferences of folks like Chad Ochocinco and Terrel Owens has a white male side of lust and revulsion around black women. What gets me looking back at this blog is Mayer’s staunch denial of the femininity and beauty of black women his “creeping to he slave shack” comments reflect the fact that he has plenty of sexual fantasies about black female actresses. His thinking reflects the pre-1960’s practice of paramour rights were white men could take sexual liberties with black women whether they were willing or not, single or married. Have some black men picked up on this thinking from their white male buddies? Are the uneven percentage of intermarriages not just a black male thing? How many non-black men sing the same song as John Meyer. Read my re-post and let me know what you think.
John Mayer’s racial arrogance, narcissism and ignorance knows no bounds. Some of his recent comments could have been uttered by any Confederate flag waving, Christian Identify, Aryan Nations militiamen. Lets take a look at his behavior. In December, he racially heckled Kumail Nanjiani, an up and coming Pakistani comedian. Last month, Mayer gave playboy interview and praised Asians for their abilty to “talk white.” His sexist pig rants about his ex-girlfriends disgusting and no matter how annoying you find Perez Hilton you do not have the right use an anti-gay slur. He then switches to “I wish I was in Dixie” narcissism and states black people love him and that he knows what it is like to be “black.” Mayer’s racial narcissism is in full force when he agrees with the playboy interviewers “assumption” that black women are wantonly throwing themselves at him. He then prattles on he is a sexual white supremacist then he listed the few black women who he would stoop to have sex with if his willie did not have a racist mid of his own. He described how repellent black women are by invoking a member of KKK. He concludes by describing Holly Robinson-Pete, Karyn Parsons and Kerri Washington his “Benetton heart” finds attractive with the aplomb of a plantation owner at a slave auction. He seems to have no problem associating himself with men that raped and sexually assaulted black women from slavery up until the late 1960’s.

Mayer’s so-called “hood pass” which gives him access to the richest, most powerful black men in the world including the President of the United States. But apparently, his racial arrogance gives him the privilege to call this group of elite black men n**gers. I guess he also forgot that some of men have black wives? Yesterday he jumps on the apology train when he realizes that he has just alienated a large group of his fans….and folks like me who were foolish enough to buy his music should respond with Jesus like compassion?

It amazes me how quickly whites avow their racism. So far I have seen three of the typical comments to his comments: 1) He is just a rock star jack*ss or this just a product of his own individual persona2) Black people are racist (even more racist) than whites. 3) He is just a sexist. Please spear me, with the advent of computer mediated communication and video technology, this type of racial douchbaggery happens with startling regularity.

So Mayer doesn’t want revoke black peoples constitutional rights and I don’t doesn’t wax nostalgically about the days of lynching and rape (but his invocation of David Duke makes this debatable), but he has demonstrated a patten of contempt for people of color that has deep historical and contemporary connotations. But of course, some whites will insist Mayer is still not racist. Most whites cannot tolerate any investigation of the fact that their skin color still affords them social, economic, legal, educational and in the case of men sexual privilege. Many whites will not admit that their knowledge of most people of color is informed by stereotypes, rather than with any understanding of our history, culture or current challenges and are arrogant enough to feel that they are “expert” enough to state wholesale “truths” people of color. These facts of American life must be cast aside quickly because it challenges the core assumptions that have supported white privilege for centuries. What can whites do to challenge the racial status quo:

work to repeal racist drug sentencing laws

work to mandate that death row prisoners get DNA testing so that the criminal justice system will stop killing innocent blacks and Hispanics (and even a few poor whites).

Work to repeal racist school funding policies that give white schools more money and resources than black or Hispanic schools.

Work for sensible immigration policies that penalize employers for hiring undocumented workers instead of black, Hispanic or Native Americans.

Challenge your friends and family when they use racist slurs in your presence

Donate to or volunteer at HBCU’s and grassroots organizations that are working to improve black, Hispanic and Native American lives.

Real Housewives of D.C……Really???

I have to admit that I love the Real Housewives of Atlanta, it is over the top fun, so I looked forward to the Real Housewives of D.C. Silly me! Only one of the housewives is black. In D.C.??? Can I repeat D.C.??? In the Chocolate City with the first Chocolate President? There seem to be black party planners, black stylists and luxury goods sales men, on the fringes of the show, yet no other other sister was cast?

I can only surmise that most high powered black women are to busy with the real work of the Capitol to be on a T.V. show. Okay I figured that I would give it a try anyway. Unlike Kim, the wig wearing floosy from the Atlanta cast, these white women have clearly not used to being around black people. Mary interrupts a conversation between Stacie and the black celebrity hairstylist with a drunken rant on how hair salons need to integrate. Another doyen, Linda has a big , dark skinned black boyfriend that she frequently strokes like a dog. Kat, a British woman who has only lived in the area for a few months attacks Tyra Banks for being ghetto and praises George Bush over President Obama because the ex-prez was had time to come to her wedding and the current President was busy running the country! Kat, the Brit also was visibly uncomfortable in a black environment. When Stacie invites her new friends to a good old fashioned Southern Sunday dinner and Kit is so frazzled by the food, wine and Stacie’s extended family that she leaves before dessert.

After diner the husbands grab some man time during the dinner festivities, the men go downstairs and embarking on a bizarre conversation on penis measurement. Catherine’s husband is so uncomfortable that he starts making jokes about his Irish Catholic deficiencies. Linda’s boyfriend describes his Mandigo skills after the uncomfortable conversation. After watching two shows and a preview it seems that uncomfortable racial moments are going to be the benchmark of this variation of the series. Sadly like a bad car crash I will check in this debacle from time to time while I wait for the Peach State divas to come back on the air.

ABWW History Lesson of the Day: Ruby McCollum and Paramour Rights

Contrary to what many non-blacks think black people do not spend a lot of time talking about our history in this country. My opinion is that it is simply too painful and many do not know enough about our history to know that along with the terrorism, the are stories of resilience and triumph. This sadly is not one of them. Paramour rights is a term coined by the great writer and anthropologist Zora Neale Huston. During her studies of turpentine camps in the 1930’s she found that white men would pick black women out for sexually coercive relationships whether they were married or not. This practice which many like to think ended with slavery was alive and well in the 1950’s when of Ruby McCollum, a middle class, married black woman who murdered her white lover and father of two children, Dr. C. Leroy Adams, in Live Oak, Florida, in 1952. When McCollum testified during her 1954 trial she stated that her doctor had forced her to bear his child, and then threatened to kill her if she refused to bear him a second child. The all-white jury convicted her of murder and McCollum was sentenced to die in the electric chair while still pregnant with Adams’ child. She appealed, and three months ago the State Supreme Court ordered a new trial on the ground that the jury had inspected the murder scene without the judge and Ruby McCollum being present. But Ruby was pronounced insane and, instead of being retried, was sent to Florida State Mental Hospital at Chattahoochee and was not released until 1980. McCollum was unable to recall most of the events the led up to her institutionalization since her “illness” was treated with Electroconvulsive therapy and anti-psychotic medication.

The era between the Civil War and the modern civil rights is marked with the untold abuse of black women, that I contend contributes to the intensification of black woman hateration over he last 40 years. In this period black women fought to live up to the standards of mainstream white femininity, but how could they do that when white men could debase them at anytime without any fear of legal consequences? Most black women did not have the luxury to be full time homemakers like the standards of femininity required, they were in the homes of white men that still saw his access to a black woman’s body was a God given right? Black men were not economically capable of giving their women the protection of a stay at home wife and risked his life and his family if her attempted to defend his woman’s honor. This phenomenon was on the wane but still in practice during the civil rights movement yet we never discuss it and the impact that decades this abuse may had on black families? Did the pain, anger, frustration of black men who were unable to protect their wives contribute to the contempt many black men have for us today

There are several books and a play about this case available at Amazon Check it out if you want to know more about this vital yet forgotten piece of American history.

ABWW Hater of the Day: Chad Ochocinco

Chad Ochocinco has three lovely black daughters but their type beauty is not what he is looking for in his VH1 reality show The Ultimate Catch. The first episode began with 85 contestants of all racial backgrounds and was whittled down to 16 by the end of the hour. Only three of these he picked were black women. One sister who made the selection is already exhibiting some of the “crazy black women’ behaviors that smear the image of all black women. If this show follows the pattern of black male dating shows that ran before it, non-black contestants not the icon of femininity or sanity that any of these men want on their arm in real life, so why so few black women cast if this is simply show business?

When called to task by New York gossip diva and talk show host Wendy Williams Ochocinco professed his desire for white and Hispanic women and actually expected applause for his post-racial preference from an audience that was populated with sisters. Since his children are older that his NFL career, why has his “preferences” gone through such a dramatic change? I wonder what the stimulus revised his idea of what constitutes a desirable woman? Ochocinco is different that the other type of black-woman-hater that has consistently rejected black women as dating and marriage prospects, I cannot read his mind, it is seems that his change of mind happened after the fame, money and glitz of his professional football career reached its peak. Is a non-black woman the ultimate accessory for a black man who has everything? What message does that send to his sable brown daughters? Are black women simply for breeding?

Ochocinco’s behavior can be traced back to the civil rights movement during the mid 1960’s. The biracial cooperation of the Freedom Rides and other projects resulted in interracial commingling that was seen a a patriarchal perk for black men, while “strong black women” were to wait out these dalliances until the black man was ready to help raise a generation of black children free from the plague of segregation. The pain of paramour rights ( the practice of southern white men forcing black women into sexually coercive relationships) may have been on the wane in the 1960’s but the shadow of that exploitation was a factor in black women’s acceptance of their brother’s new preference. Since the sixties the deindustrialization of cities, the backlash against desegregation, the War on Drugs have all contributed to the dissolution of black families and male embrace of the nihilistic thug life. These factors taken together still do not account for the rejection and dehumanization of black women that Ochocinco and supporters embrace so enthusiastically. The idea that this is an individual choice in a new enlightened race friendly America would be easier to swallow if the date on out marriage between the sexes was not so skewed. Ochocinco may tout his individual post-racial right to date whomever he chooses, but to expect that black women will support him while his actions state that we are good for breeding and not marrying is outrageously disrespectful.

ABWW Hater of the Day: Jimi Izrael Part II

Mr. Izrael has the honor of being the first person to be Hater of the Day twice!
I have to give Mr. Izreal props he did answer my e-mail, but as I predicted the man doesn’t know squat about black women and is basically bashing his own ex-wives. He is stated he was a professor at Case Western University, but he really just taught one seminar on hip hop a year ago. I still approached him as an academic (since I am one in real life) This is a copy of our conversation.
July 8, 2010 at 9:22 am | #1
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Hater: Hi all. My name is jimi izrael, the dolt in question.

I’m grateful and humbled to have my book be the topic of discussion, even if I am saddened by the tenor of the conversation. I’m sorry you felt the need to insult me personally, when you don’t, in fact, know me personally. I’m not going to enter in any great debate about my expertise, the typos in the book or the like. I wrote an unconventional memoir absent of advice but full of explicit and not-so explicit lessons for thoughtful readers willing to read it from cover to cover. Not everyone has that time, or is willing to be particularly thoughtful. The book is not for everyone.

> I did edit out the word connubial, apparently he could not even keep a white woman happy, once again suggesting that they should not be on the pedestal that so many put them on. They are they have the same foibles that we do.

If your presumptions about who I have found “conubial bliss” with are any indication, clearly, you did not read the book.

Or at least, you did not read it well. I don’t purport to have any expertise that you don’t, and I say that. I just told part of my story. My book flouts the statistics, which don’t really tell us alot. People aren’t numbers — I just suggest that happiness is where you find it.

Thanks again for thinking of me. As best as I am able, I will answer any questions you may have.
Eshowoman: You are absolutely right, I didn’t read the book from cover to cover. I saw the Nightline piece and I took the Amazon reviews to the book store and read portions in the store. I am not going to pay for a book that puts black women down on a wholesale basis. I live in rural college town and the public library does not stock books that cover issues around black folks. So I could not borrow it.

If you have read any other entries of this blog you will notice a pattern. There seems to be a growing trend of black men who out-marry and blame black women for their choices. You are in the company of Slim Thug, Tim Alexander, Toure and Taye Diggs. Why are men who have chosen their non-black partners for life act out on this compulsion? I feel that black women have a right to be angry about this trend. Of course, some women are just plain angry, obnoxious, aggressive, materialistic and fat, but these are not identifying traits of black women. I continue to find examples of women of all races and ethnic groups who are exemplars of these traits. So if you are down I would love to have a conversation.

I am an academic like you and I have spent a great deal of time researching this phenomenon. I contend that this issue has historical, psychosocial and economic roots that go back to when the first Africans were placed on the auction block and to make assumptions about black women without taking these things into consideration is just an exercise in malice.

Here are some questions I would like you to address:

Black women are raising children alone and a significant portion of black men are choosing criminality over their partners and children. Why do you think that is the case?

How to you think centuries of propaganda around ideal white womanhood has effected marital choice for black men?

How do you think the fact that black families have never been able to model themselves after pre-feminist middle class due to economic racism and paramour rights?

Why should a sister who has completed her education, financially stable with no children, in other words completed the requirements of black middle class respectability, lower their standards? Shouldn’t brothers step their game up?

Black women give black me life,we parent you, we teach you so how can we ALL be the antithesis of what a man of any race wants for a partner?

Your last blog discussed misogyny, but did not address the how hip hop has been corrupted from the music I loved as a child (I grew up two subway stops from 1520 Sedgwick Avenue) into the black-woman-hating-light-skin-fetishistic clap trap of commercial rap?

Why do black comedic actors dress up as black women and act out the worst stereotypes about black women?

I look forward to your answers.

Hater: How can you, with any intellectual integrity, talk down a book you haven’t read? And here’s a hint? The “I don’t have to taste shit to know it’s not pancakes” defense doesn’t hold. Black people read books and weigh them on their merits. Telling other black people to run from a book you haven’t read is, in the words of noted social commentator Charlie Murphy
— madd niggerish. Sad. Really.

> I should have known anyone who refers to Eddie Murphy’s untalented brother as a “social commentator” really doesn’t have a third leg to stand on!

July 9, 2010 at 1:15 am | #4
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Eshowoman: Send me a copy and I will be happy to read it. As I said I don’t spend my hard earned money on these “beat a black woman down” books, movies or music.

Look forward to your answers with bated breath.

Esho:If you have read any other entries of this blog you will notice a pattern. There seems to be a growing trend of black men who out-marry and blame black women for their choices. You are in the company of Slim Thug, Tim Alexander, Toure and Taye Diggs. Why are men who have chosen their non-black partners for life act out on this compulsion?

Hater: Who is this non-black partner of mine? Can you introduce me?
> I have wonderful, beautiful, vivacious white girlfriends. Why would I introduce any of them to a many who can only see them in stereotypes? Find you own Suzy Chapstick, dude.

Eshowoman: I feel that black women have a right to be angry about this trend. Of course, some women are just plain angry, obnoxious, aggressive, materialistic and fat, but these are not identifying traits of black women.

Hater: Do Tell

Eshowoman: I continue to find examples of women of all races and ethnic groups who are exemplars of these traits. So if you are down I would love to have a conversation.

Hater: We’ll see

Eshowoman: I am an academic like you
I left out the word “ideology” accidentally. But his response makes me realize that this dude is clearly inflating his credentials.
Hater: What is the question here?

Eshowoman: Why should a sister who has completed her education, financially stable with no children, in other words completed the requirements of black middle class respectability, lower their standards?

Hater: Standards are important. Be the person you are looking for. Be picky. But be reasonable

Eshowoman: Shouldn’t brothers step their game up?

Hater: There are more black men in college now than there has ever been in American history. So I’d say that they are.

Eshowoman: Black women give black you life, we parent you, we teach you so how can we ALL be the antithesis of what a man of any race wants for a partner?

Hater: Who said that?
> Is this guy debating the basic facts of biology and African American life? WTF???

Eshowoman: Your last blog discussed misogyny, but did not address the how hip hop has been corrupted from the music I loved as a child (I grew up two subway stops from 1520 Sedgwick Avenue) into the black-woman-hating-light-skin-fetishistic clap trap of commercial rap?

Hater: Since “Rapper’s Delight,” popular rap has been sexist and sexual. Not a lot has changed.
> This is hater who claims he is an “expert” on hip hop, yet claims the beginning of the movement began with “Rappers Delight”. That is incredible! I feel sorry for the students who took his seminar.

Eshowoman: Why do black comedic actors dress up as black women and act out the worst stereotypes about black women?

Hater: For the same reason ancient Grecian actors and Shakespearean plays included men dressed as women. It’s farcical. And it’s funny.
I look forward to your answers.

July 9, 2010 at 1:59 am | #6
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Hater: Black women are being incarcerated at 7 times the rate of black men.” Reference URL Please?

Esho: Changes in the incarceration rates for women were more distinct. At midyear 2000, black women were incarcerated at a rate 6 times that of white women (or 380 per 100,000 U.S. residents versus 63 per 100,000 U.S. residents). By June 30, 2007, the incarceration rate for black women declined to 3.7 times that of white women (or 348 versus 95). An 8.4% decline in the incarceration rate for black women and a 51% increase in the rate for white women accounted for the overall decrease in the incarceration rate of black women relative to white women at midyear 2007.”
Sabol, William J., PhD, and Couture, Heather, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Prison Inmates at Midyear 2007 (Washington, DC: US Department of Justice, June 2008), NCJ221944, p. 8.

If black women are not raising these children who is?

Esho: I continue to find examples of women of all races and ethnic groups who are exemplars of these traits. So if you are down I would love to have a conversation.

Hater : We’ll see
Esho: Busted! You are guilty too, obviously you only read the blog entry that pertains to you.

Esho: How to you think centuries of propaganda around ideal white womanhood has effected marital choice for black men?
Hater: I can’t speak for a race of men. No one can”
Esho: Yet you presume to talk to a race of black women?

Esho: How do you think the fact that black families have never been able to model themselves after pre-feminist middle class ideology due to economic racism and paramour rights?

Hater: What is the question here?

Esho:”I left out the word “ideology” but I made an assumption that a man who chooses to lecture black women would know something about black middle class respectability. My bad!

Esho: Black women give black you life ,we parent you, we teach you so how can we ALL be the antithesis of what a man of any race wants for a partner?
Hater: Who said that?
> I guess ole Jimi was raised by wolves……

Esho: Do you know anything about black woman’s clubs, sororities, black female labor activity,anti-lynching politics, paramour rights, the history of denial of legal protections around rape, the Venus Hottentot? I could go on and on and on…
If you are not versed in any of this history how can you with any good conscience write amount black women. Your bio said you were in Mass Comm (like me) haven’t you heard of Ida B. Wells and her suit against the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad Company?

> Note he has NO ANSWER this.

Esho: Shouldn’t brothers step their game up?

Hater: “There are more black men in college now than there has ever been in American history. So I’d say that they are.” Reference URL?
Eshowoman: That is wonderful but they are also out marrying at an alarming rate:
A new study shows that more and more black men are marrying women of other races. In fact, more than 1 in 5 black men who wed (22 percent) married a nonblack woman in 2008. This compares with about 9 percent of black women, and represents a significant increase for black men — from 15.7 percent in 2000 and 7.9 percent in 1980.

Eshowoman: Your last blog discussed misogyny, but did not address the how hip hop has been corrupted from the music I loved as a child (I grew up two subway stops from 1520 Sedgwick Avenue) into the black-woman-hating-light-skin-fetishistic clap trap of commercial rap?

Hater: Since “Rapper’s Delight,” popular rap has been sexist and sexual. Not a lot has changed.
Esho: Please! You know as well as I do when hip hop left the east coast, the words B*tch and Ho became de riguer. You are not seriously trying to say that LL’s “I’m the Type of Guy” is the same as Tupac’s “Same Ho”or NWA’s “A B*tch Iz A B*tch? Sexual and sexist is not the same thing.

Are you telling me the Flip Wilson consulted the Lysistrata or Martin Lawrence the Twelfth Night before they put on a wig?
These stereotype of a shrewish, emasculating black woman who was unfit for matrimony was introduced into early cinema by white men with titles like The Wooing and Wedding of a Coon (1905) Wooing of Aunt Jemima (1916) and Coontown Suffragettes (1914) a “darky” version of the Lysistrata. Back then black newspapers mounted campaigns to censor those films, today most say that is exactly how black women act. How did we get from there to here?
July 9, 2010 at 1:47 pm | #7
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Hater: Good counterpoints, all.
Thanks for the compliment, it has become obvious that as far as sister go you know nothing beyond your own failed relationships and some he-man-woman-haters-barbershop-trash-talk.

Sometimes people engage the opposite sex in pointless bickering because this is the only kind of attention they can get from them. Some people really want to build bridges. I wrote a book that some people enjoy. People who bring their blind anger in search of easy answers?

Yeah, they skip around the chapters, see themselves in the book — or don’t– and don’t enjoy the book so much. I felt the same way about “Sense and Sensibilities.”

> The title of the book is “Sense and Sensibility.” I am not suprised you read it all the way through
Jane Austin’s books are all about ideal white femininity. You should read “Mansfield Park” where the gentle lady gets slightly distress when she finds out how the rape and torture of black women funds her life of leisure in England.

But I read it all the way through anyways, just so i could discuss it intelligently.
I don’t have the time for protracted arguing with people hiding behind clever screen-names about the thesis of a book you haven’t read and admonish others not to read, which is, I repeat, Madd Niggerish. Any black person –academic!?– telling you to run from a book they haven’t read, no matter what’s in the book they haven’t read, is an idiot.

Eshowoman: have also read some of your homophobic hogwash, that stuff makes me madder than any well worn hateration in your book.

Since you are not an academic, I doubt we will ever run into each other. It is clear since you cannot engage in any thoughtful conversation on this topic, the question of who the idiot is up for grabs.

I’m happy that you are trying to be a part of the solution here on Angry Black Woman Watch
> Thanks for the complement???

Hater: But this conversation will have to continue… without me.
>Now why am I not surprised?

July 9, 2010 at 1:50 pm | #8
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>Send me a copy and I will be happy to read it. As I said I don’t spend my hard earned money on these “beat a black woman down” books, movies or music.

Stay Classy, Baby.
All my best,
> Most published authors have copies up the ying yang to send out for free to reviewers. If you can’t stand the heat, you really should stay out of the kitchen.

July 9, 2010 at 11:32 pm | #9
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Eshowoman: It is very hard to build bridges when some ‘don’t even have the tools. I’d rather spend my money on material that poses real solutions. A half an hour in a book store and your inability to answer any of my questions is enough proof for me that you are using your own failed marriages to smear black women. I will continue to follow your blog at the The Root since the several of the other links you have poster are dead. Confabulate much?
Stay pitiful, baby.

scientia sexualis

Naso magister erat.



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